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Smoked Salmon & Smokey Eggplant

Smoked Salmon & Smokey Eggplant

Recipe by Zoe Komarin

Smoked Salmon & Smokey Eggplant


1 eggplant

1 clove garlic finely diced

2-3 tbsp tahini

½ lemon



To get maximum smokey flavor into the flesh of the eggplant, you really want to ensure the outside is burned nicely. So!


Place your whole eggplant on an open burner (this works with gas stoves only! If you have a camping stove I suggest using it for things like this, especially if the smell of burnt stuff in the house bothers you).


Allow it to get wonderfully charred on all sides. This should take roughly 4 minutes per side and it is up to you to rotate the eggplant evenly as it cooks.


Remove to a plate and let cool a bit.


Using tongs and a bit of patience, peel the charred skin off the eggplant flesh. No need to be perfect here. Some skin in the mix will be tasty.


Run a fork through the golden browned naked flesh to start breaking it up and then place said flesh in a bowl before adding your tahina, lemon, and salt to taste.


Mix aggressively to create a nice cohesive and soft texture and you have a smokey baba dip without having to bust out the blender.

Leftover Lavash (or Pita) Dill Crisps

2 old Lavash or Pita

Some big glugs of olive oil

¼ cup dried dill weed

salt to taste


Preheat your oven to 375F.


Rip and tear the bread and place in a bowl. Dress with olive oil, dried dill and salt and toss around until everything is coated thoroughly. You want the bread to look “hairy”. So the amount of olive oil you use is really dependent on how dry the bread is and how much dill sticks to it.


Dump it all out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and spread the bread in a way so that it’s evenly distributed. (Use 2 trays if you don’t have enough space).


Bake for 8-10 minutes until it starts to look golden brown, flip the trays around and then continue baking for another couple of minutes until browned and crispy looking. But keep an eye out for overbaking!


Keep in mind they will crisp up even more as they cool. Stick ‘em in a tupperware and they will last for a couple of days.

Prep carrots with a good wash and partial peel, then cook on medium-low heat in fish stock with wakame, ginger, pimenton, and garlic. Once soft, remove and let them chill in the fridge. Save the wakame for a side salad - mix with a little sesame oil, TART Oro Blanco vinegar, and a dash of tamari. Drink the remaining fish stock for health.


Once the carrots have cooled, fry the slices of rye in olive oil on a cast iron then allow the bread to cool so your creme fraiche doesn’t melt. When your toast is ready for it, top with a healthy dollop of crème fraîche. Thinly slice the carrots and alternate placement on the toast. Top with Fishwife Wild-Caught Sardines! Garnish with fennel, marigold, or both! We chose both.

Smoked Salmon & Smokey Eggplant


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